Thursday, March 29, 2012

Update an a little bragging

Well it has been a while since I had time to write a blog post.  Christmas came and went along with Valentines day and now Easter is almost here. 

 Kurt and I spent our first Christmas together as a married couple the same way that we have spent the last 9 years as an unmarried couple.  I asked for a sewing machine and Kurt was pretty skeptical but I still got the sewing machine :)  I finally opened the box and started playing with it the first of March.  I got Kurt a nice cover for his motorcycle because he just had it repainted in September.  He loved it!  We spent the morning with his parents watching the kids open gifts and then headed over to his grandmother's house for the afternoon.  This year I think that we have decided to go to Tennessee for Christmas :)

Our first Valentines day as a married couple we went out to our favorite restaurant Longhorn and enjoyed a nice dinner.  Kurt also bought me a dozen roses and spread them out all over the house in small vases and he cleaned the house.

During January & February my time was completely consumed by Girl Scout cookies.  My troop really outdid themselves and sold 9636 boxes of cookies (almost 10000 boxes) and over 75 cookie booths (luckily I did not have to run most of them).  This is the largest number of cookies sold in our service unit and as far as I know it is also the largest in the surrounding area.  I was so proud of them!!  We had 17 our of 24 girls in the troop earn a trophy for selling over 300 boxes and we had 2 girls sell over 1000 boxes of cookies.  And the twins also sold 1000 boxes together!!  Our troop also sold 730 boxes of cookies to send to the soldiers (our goal was 500).   We sold so many boxes of cookies that our troop is able to afford a trip to Washington D. C. for the 100 year anniversary of Girl Scouting in June. 
 Some of the girls standing around the soldier cookies before loading them into my van for delivery to the Girl Scout Council.

Now that cookies are completed my schedule is filled with other events.  I am on the decorating committee for the upcoming Father/Daughter Dance the theme is a surprise but it involves making lots of decorative candies like gumdrops and lollipops.  More to come on this soon :).  We also have a troop sleepover scheduled and I am planning the Girl Scout Camporee in the beginning of May another secretive theme this one based off of a reality T.V. show (hint a Girl Scout won on the show last year).  Then I am co-leading VBS for my church this summer.  These activities and at least two trips (one to visit my granny for her 80th b-day and one to Ireland) will keep my weeks full for the next few months. 

School is still going good I am still making strait A's :)  I just started a new class on Tuesday and it is a math class so we will see how the next 5 weeks of math goes for me. 

I think that covers everything over the last few months.