Friday, July 29, 2011

Tissue Packets

Another DIY project I found on which is pretty much my favorite site these days!   They are so simple to make!

I found a pack of pocket size tissues 60 tissues total for $2.00 that plus one roll of cellophane from the Dollar Tree.  (.10 each)
Sasha & I cut out squares of cellophane and folded them like a present and taped them on the back.  They looked so awesome!

Monday, July 25, 2011

A road trip & A July Wedding in the Bayou

Weddings Weddings Weddings!!!  It seems that everyone is getting married.  My Cousin Teryn (who I have not seen in many many years) just got married last weekend in the bayou.  My grandmother & I packed our bags and hit the road for Louisiana.  Many people in our family told me over and over that she would not go with me to this wedding but we proved them all wrong.  I personally think that she really wanted to see her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  We decided to make it an overnight trip so we left Early Saturday morning (day of the wedding) and got to our hotel just in time after our 8 hr drive to freshen up and head for the ceremony.   She got married at a place that was known for their crocodiles yikes.  It was a beautiful wedding and I LOVED her dress.  I didn't actually take too many pictures of the wedding because our seats were upfront but slightly blocked for pictures.  I did however get a lot of pictures of the kids and my other cousins It was so nice to be in the same space with them after such a long time. 

The happy couple :)

Granny holding Gavin (Kayle's youngest son)

she looks so happy to have one of her great grand babies in her arms.  This is the first time she met Gavin but it seems that they hit it off :)

Granny feeding Jackson (Kristance's youngest son)

BTW did I mention it was really hot like 100 degrees that day.  In case you can't tell by Jackson's hair.

He is not camera shy

Me holding Jackson he is such a cutie.

Granny with Eleanor

Attempting to get a picture with all 6 Great Grand kids.

I think that this one turned out the best <3

Nikia helping her nephew

Kayle with Gavin

It was a great trip!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I finally have my oh so perfect dress!!!!

After a few shopping attempts and an online order disaster I finally have the perfect wedding dress!!  It is more beautiful than I could ever imagine!  I must admit it did cost more than I wanted to spend but it was worth it. 
I have plans to have it altered to a knee length dress that  I can wear again that way I didn't spend so much money on a one time dress.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Giftbags for the out of town guest!

I got this idea from a DIY wedding website.  Which I have been addicted too since getting engaged.  The basic idea is to make welcome bags for all of your out of town guest and leave them at the hotel for the guest to get when they check in.  I spoke with a friend who does extreme couponing and she got me all of the supplies for a cheap price.  Sasha & I worked for about 4 hours to put them together.

The bags consisted of a silver paper bag from A.C.Moore, toothbrush, travel toothpaste, shampoo, bar of soap, razor, travel deodorant, panty liners, pack of gum, tic tac's , 2 bottles of water, 2 iced coffee drink, bags of chips, power bars, mini bag of chocolates, local area attractions, & Do not disturb sign.  The do not disturb sign was customized saying "Do not disturb we are recovering from the Thompson wedding" I wish I had gotten a picture.

I found a template for these labels online and my wonderful friend Jennifer recreated them with our information on them. 

Personal Care Items in a convenient bag (Sasha in the background). 

 Thank you Sasha & Sherri for all of your help with this project.  I couldn't have done it without you!